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The land upon which the goddesses descended –the land that was the locus of the divine activity –came to be known as the Sacred Realm, which can be taken almost as the Zelda version of the Garden of Eden.

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Naujų pranešimų nėra
The land upon which the goddesses descended –the land that was the locus of the divine activity –came to be known as the Sacred Realm, which can be taken almost as the Zelda version of the Garden of Eden.

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Naujų pranešimų nėra
The land upon which the goddesses descended –the land that was the locus of the divine activity –came to be known as the Sacred Realm, which can be taken almost as the Zelda version of the Garden of Eden.

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Naujų pranešimų nėra
The land upon which the goddesses descended –the land that was the locus of the divine activity –came to be known as the Sacred Realm, which can be taken almost as the Zelda version of the Garden of Eden.

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Naujų pranešimų nėra
The land upon which the goddesses descended –the land that was the locus of the divine activity –came to be known as the Sacred Realm, which can be taken almost as the Zelda version of the Garden of Eden.

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